miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

BOLI BILI BOLI, haurrentzako txotxongilo ikuskizun berria.

Juan Kruz Igerabideren haur olerkietan oinarrituta.

Boli bili boli familian ikusteko euskaraz  eskaintzen den txotxongilo ikuskizuna da, eta, batez ere, 3 eta 6 urte arteko haurrei zuzenduta dago. PANTZART Antzerkiak sortu du Tolosako TOPIC-ekin batera eta Santi Sos ekin elkarlanean.

Haur-poesian ospe handiko idazlea den Juan Kruz Igerabideren testuetan oinarrituta dago. Haur-poesiaren barruan, Igerabide umorearengatik eta Haiku bezalako formatu laburreko obrengatik da ezaguna. Haiku egitura oso errazeko poema txikia da, eta natura edota urtaroak bezalako gaiak lantzen dira. "zuhaitzak begi asko zituen, danak keinuka".

Horrela beraz, bere poematxo polit eta ipuin laburretatik abiatu gara, bertsoak, marrazkiak, abestiak eta paperezko objektuekin egindako ikuskizuna sortzeko.

Estreinaldia ekainaren 15ean izan zen Tolosako Topic_en.

Boli bili boli is a paper-puppet show for children between 3 and 6 years old. It can be performed in Spanish, Basque and we can also adapt it to English, German and French audiences. It has been produced by PANTZART Teatro in coproduction with Tolosa’s International Puppet Center, TOPIC and the special collaboration of Santi Sos.

The show is based on texts by prestigious Basque children’s poet  Juan Kruz Igerabide. His poetry is usually been remarked for its sense of humor and for using brief forms like Haikus, etc. As an example: “The tree had many eyes and they all winked at the same time.“
So, we have depart from Igerabide’s precious short poems and brief stories to create a total performance that combines words, drawings, songs and paper objects.

Poetry is understood as something that can be constructed, cut, painted, played by children (or anybody) The central object is the grandfather’s giant notebook. From each one of its pages a little show comes out. Puppets are all flat except for one with is a big pen and writes and draws on the big note-book.

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